Acne No More!

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

Acne and Adult Acne (Rosacea), what is wrong with me?

When my friend Sid was small he used to get pimples. His brothers used to get acne pimples as well but they were lucky because their acne used to disappear quickly. He was the unlucky one because he used to get a new one almost every other day. Everyone told him that once he will reach the age of 25 they will go away, and they did but unfortunately he contracted with rosacea, i.e. adult acne.

He used to get patchy-redness and sudden flushing all the time, sometimes he had a pimple or two but his skin used to remain oily all the time. He used to wash his face every couple of hours with medicated soap but his face used to get oily very quickly.

The problem was that he didn’t even realize that he had rosacea for the first few years until his skin specialist diagnosed him with rosacea. He became self-conscious and used to avoid gatherings. He tried many different treatments and medicines antibiotics, Retin-A you name it he tried it including herbal treatments. Even used gram flour and orange peel, which his grandma prepared and forced him to used but nothing worked for him.

First I had Acne and now adult acne, what is the problem with me? The question he used to ask himself and to everyone else almost everyday for which the answer we still don't know.

He tried different creams and changed his skin specialist again and
again to find the right one. But unfortunately nothing and no one could help him. This is because what causes rosacea is still unknown. It is still a mystery even for some doctors that which rosacea treatment is actually right for someone who has rosacea. It’s not that treatments do not work with rosacea, some treatments work well, but which one is the right one is a million dollar question.

Until one day when his mum's ever increasing criticism became unbearable he stopped using soap, drinking more water and he started washing his face only with warm water. In his own words the first 3 weeks were terrible for him. He could not go out, he could not face anyone. I think it was just his imagination that he looked awful but after that his face accepted water and the oiliness of his face started to decline. It took about 2 months before his face started to remain dry and he got rid of oiliness.

The flushing was still the big problem for him. Even though he promised himself that he will not used any new treatment but a sudden flare-up still made him look around for treatments. Then he discovered Jojoba Oil, which was a turning point and a true-life saver for him, that’s what he says about the oil. It took about a week before his face actually accepted the oil. The best thing was the application of Jojoba oil was simple, just warm water a drop of pure jojoba oil every morning and evening and his face redness started to decline. Nowadays he doesn't get sudden flare-ups.

I hope that some people who are suffering from acne rosacea, if increase the use of water and use jojoba oil instead of experimenting on new medicated soaps and creams then they might help them with their rosacea problem.

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