Acne No More!

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

Acne and Adult Acne (Rosacea), what is wrong with me?

When my friend Sid was small he used to get pimples. His brothers used to get acne pimples as well but they were lucky because their acne used to disappear quickly. He was the unlucky one because he used to get a new one almost every other day. Everyone told him that once he will reach the age of 25 they will go away, and they did but unfortunately he contracted with rosacea, i.e. adult acne.

He used to get patchy-redness and sudden flushing all the time, sometimes he had a pimple or two but his skin used to remain oily all the time. He used to wash his face every couple of hours with medicated soap but his face used to get oily very quickly.

The problem was that he didn’t even realize that he had rosacea for the first few years until his skin specialist diagnosed him with rosacea. He became self-conscious and used to avoid gatherings. He tried many different treatments and medicines antibiotics, Retin-A you name it he tried it including herbal treatments. Even used gram flour and orange peel, which his grandma prepared and forced him to used but nothing worked for him.

First I had Acne and now adult acne, what is the problem with me? The question he used to ask himself and to everyone else almost everyday for which the answer we still don't know.

He tried different creams and changed his skin specialist again and
again to find the right one. But unfortunately nothing and no one could help him. This is because what causes rosacea is still unknown. It is still a mystery even for some doctors that which rosacea treatment is actually right for someone who has rosacea. It’s not that treatments do not work with rosacea, some treatments work well, but which one is the right one is a million dollar question.

Until one day when his mum's ever increasing criticism became unbearable he stopped using soap, drinking more water and he started washing his face only with warm water. In his own words the first 3 weeks were terrible for him. He could not go out, he could not face anyone. I think it was just his imagination that he looked awful but after that his face accepted water and the oiliness of his face started to decline. It took about 2 months before his face started to remain dry and he got rid of oiliness.

The flushing was still the big problem for him. Even though he promised himself that he will not used any new treatment but a sudden flare-up still made him look around for treatments. Then he discovered Jojoba Oil, which was a turning point and a true-life saver for him, that’s what he says about the oil. It took about a week before his face actually accepted the oil. The best thing was the application of Jojoba oil was simple, just warm water a drop of pure jojoba oil every morning and evening and his face redness started to decline. Nowadays he doesn't get sudden flare-ups.

I hope that some people who are suffering from acne rosacea, if increase the use of water and use jojoba oil instead of experimenting on new medicated soaps and creams then they might help them with their rosacea problem.

martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

Acne Alternative Treatments

There is no clear account of the number of people suffering from acne. But the sale of medicines for acne is on the increase and this suggests that there is an increase in the number of people having acne. Acne is caused mainly due to the clogging of the oil generated by the skin. This clogging is initiated by a particular type of bacteria. Most treatments and ointments available for acne concentrate more on removing the scars. This means that the bacteria responsible for acne still remain there. This has led to people looking for alternative acne treatment. Most of the alternative acne treatment mainly tries to eliminate the bacteria responsible for acne.

One of the greatest advantages with the alternative acne treatments is that they are devoid of side effects. There are several herbal combinations that have proven track record of curing acne. Once such herbal combination is the paste made of basil leafs and sandalwood. Another popular alternative acne treatment is the application of the paste made of strawberry leaves. There are several other herbal combinations available in the market that can effectively cure acne.

The main reason for the cause of acne is the deficiency of essential vitamins needed for the skin. Deficiency in Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Pantothenic Acid can lead to acne. Taking large amount of vegetables, fruits and vitamin supplements can cure acne. There are several cures of acne in naturopathy. Herbs, skin cleansers and vitamin supplements are the main treatments for acne in naturopathy. Another advantage of alternative acne treatment is that they are less costly.

Acne light treatment is another new alternative acne treatment. In this method ultraviolet rays are used to clear the acne. Alternative acne treatment requires cent percent dedication from the patient. Unlike other form of treatments, some of the alternative acne treatment requires strict following of the regiment. It is wise to take professional opinion before opting for any of the alternative acne treatment.

lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016

Acne Advice For People Wanting Blemish Free Skin

Acne is a disorder of the skin that affects adults as well as teens. It occurs when follicles, or pores, become blocked. Oils, naturally present in skin, are unable to drain and become blocked inside the follicles. Before long bacteria begins to grow.

Skin blemishes referred to as blackheads and whiteheads then begin to appear. When the oil and bacteria that is trapped remain below the skin, the blemish is referred to as a whitehead. A blackhead occurs when the oil and bacteria are partially exposed. The color of the blemish turns black due to pigmentation within the skin. Blackheads usually last far longer than whiteheads due to the fact that it takes longer to drain.

It is believed that hormones, diet, stress and vitamin deficiency may play a role in the development of acne. While acne includes both whiteheads and blackheads, there are a variety of types of acne that range in severity.

Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne and includes everything from whiteheads and blackheads to cysts. Acne Vulgaris may be either mild or moderate as well as severe. The mild and moderate forms of Acne Vulgaris include common pimples with inflammation apparent below the surface of the skin as well as blackheads. Small red bumps that have no ‘head’ may also be present and are known as papules.

Acne Vulgaris in its most severe form includes lesions that are known as nodules and cysts. These are normally much larger than mild or moderate acne and may be more painful. Nodules are usually small and hard, below the skin and do not contain pus while cysts do. Scars can appear if Acne Vulgaris is not treated correctly.

A gentle cleanser and a benzoyl peroxide cream can be effective in treating mild to moderate forms of Acne Vulgaris. Avoid overwashing; gently cleansing the face in the morning and at night should be sufficient. Taking care not to touch your face during the day and using oil free cosmetics may also help. Extreme caution should be used in trying to ‘pop’ pimples, as this can result in scarring. Papules (small red bumps with no head) should never be popped or squeezed.

Acne Rosacea can easily be confused with Acne Vulgaris and often appears to be quite similar. Most people who suffer from Acne Rosacea are adults over the age of 30. A red rash along with bumps and pimples signal the presence of Acne Rosacea, which normally appears on cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. Blackheads are normally not present with Acne Rosacea. This type of acne can be quite serious because when it is left untreated it can actually cause excessive tissue to begin growing.

There are three types of extremely severe acne; all of which can be disfiguring. Acne Conglobata usually appears in men instead of women. It is commonly found on the trunk and limbs of the body instead of the face. Individuals normally develop this form of acne at some point between the ages of 18 and 30. It can remain active for several years and can be extremely difficult to treat. Dermatologists normally use Accutane as a treatment.

Young men sometimes experience what is known as Acne Fulminans. Typical acne may be accompanied by fever and aching joints with the onset of Acne Fulminans. Oral steroids as well as Accutane may be used to treat this form of acne.

Women between the ages of 20 and 40 may experience what is known as Pyoderma Faciale. This type of acne is generally confined to the face. Unlike other forms of acne, this form does not last for years; instead its presence is normally restricted to a year or less. It can, however; be very painful as well as disfiguring.

Severe and extremely severe acne should be treated by a dermatologist.

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2016

Acne Adult Care Tips

Acne affects almost everybody at least for some part of their life. It is common during adolescence though it affects many into late adulthood. It causes much disturbance and may sometimes cause depression and low self esteem. The individual affected by acne usually frequently washes the affected area, tries different soaps and other home remedies which rather than reducing acne may worsen it. Following are few tips to be followed for control of acne.

Consult your dermatologist in case you are affected with acne. Do not wait for acne to aggravate. Many over the counter drugs are available for treating mild to moderate acne like benozyl peroxide acne lotion, salicylic acid acne lotion, triclosan acne lotion, chlorhexidine gluconate acne lotion etc. Benzoyl peroxide is considered to be the best over the counter product. However it may be noted that self medication can be potentially dangerous and it is prudent to consult a doctor before medication.

Do not wash the affected area too frequently as it depletes skin oil. The blockage which is the cause of acne is too deep inside to be removed by washing. Luke warm water is better suited for washing the skin. Hot water is to be avoided.

Changing soap frequently is a sure way to aggravate acne. Using a mild moisturizer and acne cleanser goes a long way in controlling acne.

There are no magic cures for acne. The usual time taken for acne to subsidize after acne treatment is begun is between 4 weeks to 6 weeks. Results are noticeable only after 2 weeks. It is essential to complete the medicine course and be patient for the results. It is prudent to continue applying acne lotion after acne has subsidized for a week at least.

Taking food supplements like acuzine is beneficial for the skin as well as body. Its ingredients include anti-oxidants, Vitamins E &C, hydrolyzed collagen, ALA, DMAE, Aloe vera, Bioperine etc. The effect of these ingredients is to strengthen the skin.

sábado, 28 de mayo de 2016

Acne Accuracies

Acne is the eruption of lesions on various parts of your body. You could have acne on your face, on your chest, on your back, on your neck, on your shoulders, and even on the upper part of your arms. These acne lesions might appear as blackheads, whiteheads, nodules or cysts. Most people get acne in their teen years. Some get it in their forties. Acne isn't going to threaten your life, of course, but it could seriously interfere with it, especially if it disfigures you for the rest of your life. Acne doesn't have to be severe to cause disfigurement.

The onset of puberty brings hormonal changes to our bodies and these changes can cause acne. Oil glands, called sebaceous glands because they secrete sebum (oil) are now working more than they were during your childhood before puberty. Androgens, male hormones, are the primary culprit for this abundant secretion. Girls and women have androgens, though they don't have as many as boys and men.

A hair follicle starts the acne ball rolling. This sebaceous follicle, inside the sebaceous gland, is where acne happens. Puberty gets skin lining cells shedding more than in childhood but when they stick together as they sometimes do the extra oil results in a clogged pore. The oil builds up in this pore but can't get out. The follicle swells up and you have a lesion.

P.acne, a bacterium present in your skin starts to multiply to excess because of the clogging in the follicle. Your skin is now irritated and probably inflamed. Should the follicle burst at this point the skin around the follicle is going to react too. You are now going to have nodules, blackheads and/or pimples elsewhere on your skin. You now have acne lesions.

There are myths about acne that have been around for a long time that give you false information about acne. Let's dispel those myths right now. One of the more common of the false ideas you could have about acne is that if your hygiene is poor you're going to get acne. While you may very well get acne that poor hygiene is not the cause. Believing that could make your acne ever so much worse as you harshly scrub your poor face into irritation. Of course you don't want excess oil and dirt from the day's ventures sitting on your face, but when you wash it away be gentle. Only wash your face twice each day, and do so gently. Drying should be patting gently instead of vigorously. If you still have acne try something at the pharmacy that says it treats acne or see a dermatologist.

Stress doesn't affect or cause acne. This is a myth and it's not true. The stress you encounter throughout the day isn't going to bring on acne. Even were you to have stress beyond normal levels and take medication prescribed by your doctor that level of stress still isn't going to cause acne. The medication might, however, and if it does, tell your physician.

Let's also dispel the myth that the food that you consume affects your acne. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, do get a healthy balanced diet but don't think it's going to clear up your acne or prevent it from occurring. It won't.

Don't listen to those people who pooh pooh your acne complaints with comments about it only being cosmetic. As a teen especially, there is no "only" to cosmetic flaws. It's a self-esteem issue, and it could be that permanently if that acne gets bad enough and exists long enough to scar you forever.

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

Acne - Your Hormones May Be The Culprit!

Acne can often be considered the worst thing to happen to a teenager. Where in the world does it come from and how do you get rid it once you have it? They are a source of endless embarrassment and inconvenience!  And while everyone has suffered from them to some extent, no one likes them. Major culprits in causing acne can be simple hormones.

Specifically, the male hormone 'testosterone' can cause acne. During puberty the teenagers' body is changing. During this time, most teenagers produce abnormal levels of the male hormone testosterone. Most people outgrow this condition by their early twenties, but with some people it lasts longer.

Women also produce additional hormones during the menstrual cycle, and for many women this can lead to more problems with acne. If this occurs, visiting with a doctor or other medical professional can provide a cure or remedy.

There is also a medical theory that stress contributes to acne because it causes an increased output of hormones from the adrenal glands. Additionally, hyperactive sebaceous glands are secondary to other hormone sources, menstrual cycle, stress and testosterone.

Some people's bodies also over produce something called sebum, which is a contributing factor to acne. While this is not the only cause, it certainly contributes. Add to this the accumulation of bacteria in the pores of the skin, dead skin cells accumulation, and irritation caused by scratching or rubbing.

Acne can also be caused, or made much worse by the use of anabolic steroids, used by some athletes. Also some medications contain halogens, including iodides, chlorides, and bromides. These medications can contribute to acne, as can lithium, barbiturates and androgens. Chlorine exposure can also cause a type of acne known as chloracne, which is especially severe and can be long lasting.

With the knowledge that hormones play a major role in causing acne, many of the misconceptions about acne can be addresses and discounted. One of these is diet. For many years people thought that fried foods and chocolate caused acne. There are a couple of reasons for this. People associated fried foods with oily skin, and assumed that consuming oil or grease had to make the skin greasy and more prone to acne. This is not the case. Also, teenagers are food-consuming machines. In fact, many dieticians have said that the fact that teenagers consumer so much food is the main reason their diets usually include nutritious foods - the fact that they eat everything. However, pizza, hamburgers, French fries, chocolate shakes, candy bars, and other foods that are often favorites of teenagers, have been erroneously blamed for acne for years.

While eating good, nutritious foods and making sure that you include vegetables, fruits, lean meats and whole grains in your diet will certainly improve your health, and therefore might improve acne, there is no direct link of diet and acne. French fries are not to blame, and neither are pizza or candy bars. There is just no real connection.

Also, bad personal hygiene has been blamed for acne and caused many teenagers embarrassment. No matter how clean they kept their faces they still had zits. In addition, excessive cleaning can actually make acne worse. If the skin is damaged by rough washing, or becomes dried out, then chances are acne will be worse. Also many over the counter products sold to make acne better can actually clog pores and make acne worse as well.

There are many good treatments available for acne. Of course, seeing your doctor is best. Many good prescription drugs are available. Many of these drugs can control the output of testosterone, and some can help women with menstrual cycle difficulties. If that is not an option, visit a pharmacy and consult with the pharmacist on over the counter remedies that are beneficial. Also moderate washing, good nutrition, protection of the skin when out in the sun, and time seem to be the best cures. Be encouraged that with the passage of time, everyone recovers from acne, the bane of the teenager's existence!

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Acne: What It Is And How To Fight It

Acne is basically a blockage in the pore which causes bacteria to be trapped and form either a whitehead or a blackhead. While there are many myths that point to diet as a cause of acne, these are unfounded. Junk foods and chocolate are not associated with acne. The reason people get acne is because of overactive oil glands or blockage of pores. Acne is a condition that afflicts both children and adults. It is, however, more prevalent in teenagers when hormones are at their most active. Heredity also plays a large part in who gets acne and how severe it may be. Those who are genetically inclined to acne will often get more severe cases than people who are simply going through a stress induced or hormone induced acne phase. They also may have a more difficult time clearing up blemishes. The blemish that occurs on the skin can be unsightly and embarrassing so prevention and treatment should be the focus.

The best form of treatment for acne is prevention as it is with any affliction. You should try to keep your hands away from your face because dirt and oils can contaminate pores. Proper health is also important. This means proper diet, exercise and sleep to reduce stress. Keeping your face clean using mild soap is also a good preventative. If you have an outbreak, there are home remedies, over the counter medications and prescription medications that can help. There are several topical creams and soaps that are used in the treatment of acne. These can be found in pharmacies and in the cosmetics department of grocery stores. Benzoyl peroxide creams, vitamin A and zinc are all used to help treat acne. For more severe cases a prescription oral antibiotic may be prescribed along with a topical cream that is stronger than the over the counter medications.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Acne: You Can Fight Acne with Masks

You can fight acne not only with gel or special soaps, but also with natural masks. Masks made of products you easily may find in your kitchen and you easily can make, too. These ones are granted to work. These products have great qualities that are inherent in the most ordinary things that can make you beautiful, cleansing your skin and brightening your complexion.

The mask made of eggs is one of the most common and it is a good method for toning the skin, according to some experts. They say that eggs help tightening your skin, giving you a firmer face, less wrinkled and less prone to sagging.

To make an egg mask is something quite simple and fast that you can not even imagine. First, beat one egg white until it is stiff. After that you just smooth it over your entire face. Then, remove the mask, but after 20 minutes.

You can adjust the mask to your skin type. If your have oily skin, add lemon juice to the egg white (only one drop). And if you have dry skin, put a bit of honey to the egg white. Experts explain that the skin on the inside of the shell can actually work as an acne treatment. Just place the skin over the breakout and leave on for 30 minute or even overnight to help reduce the appearance of the acne.

It is recommended to apply facial masks once a week for best results. Remember rinsing your face first with warm water and then rinsing with cold (to close the pores) after you finish removing the mask.

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Acne - What Causes Acne?

Though acne may not be a serious problem, it can sometimes lead to psychological and mental stress. Many people lose their self esteem because of this problem.

So what causes acne? Acne is caused by hormonal disorder. Excessive secretion of the skin oil glands combine with naturally occurring dead skin cells and block the hair follicles. This oil secretion beneath the blocked pore provides a perfect environment for the skin bacteria Propionibacterium acnes to multiply, and thus the skin inflames producing the visible lesion.

Acne commonly occurs in adolescents and young adults. Almost 85 percent of people between the ages of 11 and 30 have acne outbreaks at some point. Acne tends to go away by the time you reach your thirties, but for some people it may even go up to their forties and fifties.

Causes of Acne:

Several other factors that cause Acne are:

• Hormonal changes during menstrual cycles and puberty.
• Stress, as it causes an increase in output of hormones from the adrenal glands.
• Hyperactive sebaceous glands, secondary to the three hormone sources above.
• Build-up of dead skin cells.
• Bacteria in the pores.
• Skin irritation or scratching of any sort will activate inflammation.
• Use of anabolic steroids.
• Medicines that contain halogens (iodides, chlorides, bromides), lithium, barbiturates, or androgens.
• Sudden exposure to high levels of chlorine compounds, particularly chlorinated dioxins.

Adult acne:

25% of adult men and 50% of adult women get affected by adult acne at some time in their adult lives. It can cause depression and social anxiety the same way it can in a teenager. Adult acne is more common than people may think. The causes of adult acne are unknown; however it is believed to occur because of these reasons:

• Recurrence of acne that cleared up after adolescence
• Flare-up of acne after a period of relative quiet, especially during pregnancy

It is best to consult a dermatologist for the proper treatment. You would have to use Clear Skin Regimen using benzoyl peroxide. Treatment for adult acne is the same as treatment for teen acne.

Body acne:

Body acne is a common problem which occurs mostly on the chest, back and buttocks. Like facial acne, stress and hormones are the cause. Other factors like perspiration and wearing tight fitting clothing also causes body acne. Tight-fitting clothing traps perspiration against the skin and mixes with surface oils, thus clogging the pores and causing blemishes.


The treatment is aimed at healing the existing lesions, stopping new lesions from forming, and preventing scarring. The dermatologist would prescribe several over-the-counter (OTC) medicines depending on the extent of the problem. Some of the medicines would be topical to apply on the skin and others may be oral.

Some of the common OTC topical medicines are:

• Benzoyl peroxide – This helps to destroy acne and also reduces oil production.
• Resorcinol – This helps in breaking down blackheads and whiteheads.
• Salicylic acid – This helps in breaking down blackheads and whiteheads. It also cuts down the shedding of cells lining the hair follicles.
• Sulfur - This helps in breaking down blackheads and whiteheads.

The prescription topical medicines include:

• Antibiotics - They help slow or stop the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation.
• Vitamin A derivatives – They help in unplugging the existing comedones, thus allowing other topical medicines to enter the follicles.
• Others - Benzoyl peroxide, sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur or Azelaic acid help to reduce oil production or help stop or slow the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Following these treatments would cure your acne, and the psychological stress and embarrassment caused by this disease will also go away.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

Acne: There are a lot of treatments to fight acne

Acne is the most widespread skin disorder in the world, according to statistics. Experts spend a lot of time doing research to determine how acne forms and how it is eliminated. Different treatments, medicines, and products have been produced to help control and eliminate this skin disorder.

There exit about 7 different treatments that are used in prevention and elimination of acne. There are also much different products that use these treatments in one way or another.

Some of these acne treatments that help to reduce or eliminate acne problems are: Accutane, antibiotics, Benzoyl Peroxide, herbal remedies, Retin-A and Salicylic Acid, among others.

Accutane (Isotetinoin) is a powerful drug that is normally prescribed for severe acne in cases where other treatments have failed to work. It is normally taken for a 4-6-month period.

Antibiotics were designed to fight bacteria. These are used to control acne mainly from the inside. Some topical antibiotics (clindamycin) are applied directly to the skin. Other antibiotics (tetracycline) are in pill form.

Benzoyl Peroxide is an anti-bacterial agent that has been used to control acne for many years.  It has been proven to work very well in the elimination and prevention of acne.

Herbal Remedies are a relative newcomer to mainstream acne fighting.  It is thought that certain herbs are effective in regulating oil levels and other bodily functions that are part of acne.

Retin-A (tretinoin) is a combination of retinoic acid and vitamin A acid. It was designed to treat acne, sun damage, and wrinkles. It unplugs follicles and turnovers over dead skin cells.

Salicylic acid helps to slow down the shedding of cells inside the follicle and it is available in many treatments purchasable without a doctor's prescription.

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

Acne: The battle of facing acne

Acne is a problem for everyone. First, because it is difficult to accept it; and second, because you have to figth against this skin disorder and social beauty parameters too. However, everything goes worst when a young girl or boy suffers acne, since classmates are cuel and do not watch themselves.

Something similar happened to Chelsea Fahey a girl who had always been celebrated for her looks, since she was a child model and won more than 10 beauty pageant titles, eventually going on win the Miss Teen America 2004 crown.

Her nigthmare began in seventh grade, when she fought an embarrassing battle against severe acne. “I would hide my face with my hair, and I would look down so I wouldn't see people's reactions and I wouldn't have to deal with the pain of seeing people wincing”, remembers Chelsea, who is now 18.

Acne affects personality and emotions of people. Although it is a common problem, it devastates even who are stronger. According to the Academy of Dermatology, almost every teen aged 12 to 17 will suffer from some form of acne, but 40 per cent of those will develop severe acne. They will not get pimples; they will get cysts that can cause scarring and emotional devastation.

“I didn't make very many friends, not wanting to date anyone. I didn't want anyone to touch my face, not looking in mirrors. It was really sad”, tells Chelsea.

She even covered all the mirrors in her house, so she could not see herself. Chelsea tried everything in treatment and medication, such as pills, creams, different face washes, medicated makeup, but nothing seemed to work.

Chelsea refused to talk about the problem, even to her mother. She thought that if she talked about it, she was admitting that she had a problem. And she didn't want to have any more problems than any normal teenager has.

Under Chelsea's mother point of view, she seemed to be fighting a losing battle and retreated further into herself, but the first and main thing Chelsea got to do, it was to admit that she had a problem.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

Acne, The Bane Of High School

If you had acne problems, I feel sorry for you. I mean there is nothing worse than the social rejection suffered by those with less than average complexions. The especially sad part is that there was nothing that they could do to prevent it. And on top of that some people suffer from the indirect consequences of acne that can go with a person for the rest of his life.

Now because the problem is so important in so many ways it is easy to see why there has been so much effort put into learning about the problem and trying to solve it. There are a ton of different ways offered to cure acne and some are a lot more worthwhile than others. These cures range from spreading disgusting mixtures of organically produced potions to ultrasonic technology that "zaps" the gland that is producing the offending inflammation.

That is what acne is by the way, inflammation that starts deep down in the dermal layer, that attracts all sorts of different immune competent cells to make the pain, redness, swelling, and pus that you find with acnes. It would be great if we new what turned the "switch" on to this inflammation-- but the fact is that we do not. We know that several factors bring it on, a major one being puberty and all of the changes especially the hormonal ones that start circulating through the body. Another major focus is the dirt and oil that get on your face during the day and that you grind in on your pillow at night that is clogging the pores and producing the crops of zits. Another think is the foods that we eat namely foods high in oils, sugars, and chocolate.

The trouble with all of these ideas is that as much as you work to change these factors the chances are that you will not get rid of the painful and unsightly red pus filled pimples. You can wash until the take off the first layer of skin but you won't get rid of them all. You can also stop eating anything good, trying to avoid the foods that supposedly cause acne but if you have any success it will only be partial.

So obviously we haven't found what is at the root of the problem but that doesn't mean the effort isn't there. So my recommendation at this point is to get a doctor that will take the time to get to understand who you are and what methods would be most effective for your particular strain of acne. They have access to the best training and information and they are in the best spot to start working with your individual case and hopefully make your life a lot better.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Acne - Some Alternative Therapies

Zits, pimples, blemishes, breakouts-whatever you call it, acne can be a challenging condition that can be difficult to treat.  Acne is very common, with an estimated 80% of all people worldwide expected to suffer from some sort of acne in their lifetime.  For those who suffer from the occasional zit, acne is a transient annoyance that is not of much concern most of the time.  For others, acne is a daily obsession that can make a serious impact on a person's self-esteem and overall psychological health.

Most people who suffer from acne resort to harsh chemicals and conventional antibiotic therapies to heal their blemishes.  Fortunately, more options are available now than ever before.  If you are considering seeking out alternative therapies, here is a quick run-down of the latest methods for treating acne.

Blue light therapy:  Blue light therapy is aimed at acne patients who have had little success with other treatments.  Blue light therapy focuses on eradicating the bacteria that causes most forms of acne, propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes).  P. Acnes creates the small molecules known as porphyrins that in turn help produce the bacterium that causes most types of acne inflammation. Blue light therapy works by zeroing in on the porphyrins.  Porphyrins that are exposed to the blue light are able to produce free radicals that destroy the P. acnes bacteria.

Blue light therapy is rapidly becoming a popular treatment for acne because it is non-invasive and drug-free way to help heal blemishes.  Many topical medications contain strong ingredients that damage sensitive skin, resulting in peeling, redness, and increased sun sensitivity.  Blue light therapy is widely regarded as an easy and drug-free alternative to most acne medications.  Some individuals have expressed concern over the safety of blue light therapy.  In the past, light therapy options have not been considered 100% safe.  Past light therapy treatments consisted of ultraviolet light that was harmful to the skin.  Fortunately, modern blue light therapy has been FDA approved and is free of UV light.

So how does blue light therapy work?  Generally, blue light therapy is administered in gradual increments.  A common schedule of treatment might consist of eight sessions given over a period of four weeks.  Blue light therapy sessions are short, usually lasting about 15 minutes.  Visit a skin specialist or dermatologist to receive more information, or to receive a treatment of blue light therapy.  

Another form of light therapy that is used to treat acne is known as pulsed light and heat energy (LHE) therapy.  LHE therapy uses both light and heat to eradicate the root causes of acne.  Like blue light therapy, LHE therapy uses light to destroy acne-causing bacteria.  LHE therapy also uses heat to reduce the production of sebum and to help shrink sebaceous glands.  LHE therapy is an attractive option for many acne sufferers because it promises fast results.  Usually, improvement in the symptoms of acne can be seen in as early as 30 days.  LHE therapy is also becoming popular because it is a fast treatment, with most sessions done in just over 10 minutes.  The FDA has approved LHE therapy for the treatment of mild to moderate acne.

While different kinds of light therapies may seem attractive, they can also be expensive, and may not be covered by most health insurances.  If you are looking for a therapy that is milder and less expensive, consider many the many herbal therapies that available.  Many herbs have been signaled as potentially therapeutic.  Some acne sufferers swear by certain herbal supplements, including black currant seed oil and evening primrose oil.  Both herbs are recommended to acne sufferers.  Try taking three 500-milligram capsules each day to control your acne.  It may be helpful to create an herbal diary of sorts, where you can track the herbs you are taking and their efficacy.

Beside herbs, certain vitamins and minerals are also highly recommended for acne sufferers. Vitamin A is perhaps the most important vitamin for the production and maintenance of a healthy complexion.  Vitamin A helps control the amount of sebum produced by your skin, and it is also a key vitamin in the production of keratin.  Vitamin A is very potent, and must only be taking in controlled doses.  Consult your doctor about the appropriate amount of Vitamin A for your situation.  Other important 'skin' vitamins are Vitamin B-6 and Vitamin E.  An important mineral for the maintenance of a healthy complexion is Zinc.  Approximately 30-50 mg of Zinc daily is recommended for acne sufferers.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Acne - Remove Milia That Look Like Whiteheads But They Are Not Acne

All of us want good-looking skin. Acne is the biggest obstacle in our effort. There are other skin problems that look like acne but are not acne. Milia is one of them. Milia are white spots on the face that can form at any age. Milia look like white pearls and most of us confuse them with whiteheads of acne. They are not whiteheads. So the treatment is different. Common acne treatment will not help remove milia but create more skin problems. Find out the difference between milia and whiteheads for a good-looking face.

Acne- what are whiteheads: whiteheads form when the dead skin cells, white blood cells, bacteria P.Acnes and sebum block the opening of the sebaceous glands. The gland has a closed mouth and this comedone is called acne. This acne troubles us because if it gets further infected, it can create scarring and spoil the facial skin forever.

Mila- milia is the accumulation of dead skin cells that is not able to get out of the skin. Milia has no infection like whiteheads and no bacteria or pus. Milia has no sebum in its formation. Our skin sheds dead skin cells everyday. Sometimes, when these cells cannot be shed out from the skin, they accumulate and form miila. When you extract a milia from the skin, you will only see white mass. They are dead skin cells.

Milia treatment- the only way to remove milia is to get them extracted from skin. Don't extract milia yourself if they are located on your eyelids. The best way to prevent milia is to get the top skin layer exfoliated regularly. Get microdermabrasion done regularly. AHAs are also good for removing the top dead skin cells regularly. Vitamin A derivative creams are also good to peel off the top skin layer. Consult your doctor about prevention and removal.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Acne - Quick Tips

Quick Acne Tips 1: Electric razors may not shave as close to the skin; however, they help with the prevention of acne and other skin breakouts and flare-ups better.

Quick Acne Tips 2: If a non-electric razor is your choice, a single-edged blade is actually better. Why? Because double- and triple-edged blades grab hair follicles and pull them out from below the epidermis. And in the process, your skin "heals itself" by closing over these holes, making it difficult for future hair follicles to grow outward - creating inflammation in the tight areas.

Quick Acne Tips 3: Thoroughly clean your face and any other areas where cosmetics are applied daily, especially if used when combined with exercising or other activities that promote sweating, where there is the opportunity for the chemicals to be absorbed or soaked up into your pores.

Quick Acne Tips 4: Cosmetics - To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that are similar to acne and that can contribute to acne, use products labeled "noncomedogenic" or "oil-free." Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clog pores. Other additives in coloring that can cause similar reactions are coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes.

Quick Acne Tips 5: More preventative measures include using a lip gloss that promotes a matte finish instead of a high gloss for less pore-clogging; note the more the shine, the more then comedogenic content and the more the pores can clog. Beware that eye creams can contain heavier concentrations of moisturizers than regular creams and lotions, meaning they have greater potential to clog pores in the surrounding facial areas.

Quick Acne Tips 6: Additionally use caution with hair styling products that contain oils, alcohol and adhesives that should be kept away from skin and from seeping into pores along with perspiration during workouts; especially watch hair gels and mousses so that they don't cause clogging around your hairline. Use care when choosing fragrance and scented cosmetics, too, and opt for "hypo-allergenic" or "fragrance-free" versions where possible to avoid allergic reactions and skin irritations (a sampling 3-day test behind an ear is recommended).

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

Acne - Not Just A Problem For Teenagers

Twenty-five percent of all adult men and fifty percent of all adult women suffer from some form of acne. These are the facts but how many adults have never had at least one acne flare up in their adult life? Adults can develop acne well into adulthood- twenties, thirties and forties and beyond that even. No acne is pleasant but somehow adult acne seems worse as acne is typically thought of as an adolescence problem. In reality adult acne, or any acne for that matter, is very hard to deal with and can lead to depression, a negative self-image and social anxiety may occur as well. The causes of adult acne are different for all people and the treatments vary as mush as the causes do. Most adult acne can be treated and managed effectively.

The causes of adult acne are unknown; some people think that adult acne has hormonal roots. The appropriate adult pimple treatment may involve balancing your hormones, which typically requires a trip to your healthcare provider or dermatologist for some testing to conclude that hormones are indeed the problem. The development of a pimple is very detailed and very intricate. While it is known that pores that are clogged can block oil from escaping, it is not known why it happens in one pore and not another. It is also not known why this does not happen in all of the pores. The many causes of adult acne and teen acne include hormone imbalance, diet, genetics, vitamin deficiency, stress, and more. The real explanation may be a complex mix of many of these factors. Since it is not know what causes pimples, it is important to focus on the proper treatment of acne.

Acne is often considered a hormonal disease or condition, meaning hormones are responsible for the maturing of the oil producing glands in our skin. Did you ever wonder why you never see acne on a young child? Young children do not have the hormones needed to mature the skin's oils. Once a person becomes and adult there are many things that can throw our hormones out of balance and in turn wreak havoc on our skin, among other things. Some things that cause such imbalances are puberty, pregnancy, menopause and many other things that cause hormones to flare up. Acne may be precipitated by androgens, the male hormones found in men and women. Oil surpluses made by these hormones are the biggest cause of clogged pores and hair follicles, which results in bacteria growth and acne pimples and blemishes. Acne that is caused by hormones is typically more prevalent in women during natural cycles like menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

Treatment for adult acne is very effective and there are many forms of treatment available. The best treatment happens to be the same treatment recommended most for teenage acne. Benzoyl peroxide kills acne much better than any other acne medication out there on the market today, including all prescription medications. For this product to be effective an acne sufferer must use enough of the product and use it according to the given instructions. If used correctly and in a large enough amount the acne will start to clear up. This method of treatment is also very simple and is not evasive in any way. Benzoyl peroxide does not have a negative effect on the skin first unlike other prescription acne treatments, meaning you will not see a worsening of the skin before you see the improvement. Skin does not build up a tolerance to this treatment so it will be effective for long-term use. If it works on acne the first time, it will always work.

There may be a genetic component involved meaning acne can run in families. Up to fifty percent of women whose acne continues beyond their teens show evidence of increased androgen levels, with raised testosterone and/or lowered sex hormone binding globulin, a protein found in the blood. Correction of these abnormal hormonal imbalances often improves symptoms, so you need to see to it that your doctor is prepared to measure these hormone levels and help you seek a treatment. Several different treatments are available over the counter to help mild to moderate symptoms and your pharmacist can advise on which product would suit you best.

It is important to realize that adult acne is more common than most think and adult sufferers are not alone, there is a large population of adult acne sufferers. If you are troubled by adult onset acne, first consult your doctor.  He or she may have a hormonal adult acne treatment that can help. If you have adult acne and it is severe or causes you pain do not hesitate to talk to your healthcare provider and discuss possible medical treatment of your acne.

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

Acne: Rambazole Can Be A Good Medication Against Acne In Future

A study with Rambazole, a novel retinoic acid metabolism-blocking agent (RAMBA), determined that 94 per cent of subjects -with moderate-to-severe acne treated with 1 mg of oral Rambazole once daily for 12 consecutive weeks- experienced reduction in total acne lesion count of more than 50 per cent and 35 per cent were considered "cleared or almost cleared.

This study points to the production of this medication on future, since Barrier Therapeutics, Inc. reported positive Phase 2a data for its oral formulation of Rambazole (TM) in the treatment of moderate to severe acne and positive biological activity data for its topical formulation of this product.

Experts explain that a subject must have had more than 90 per cent reduction in total lesion count to be considered “cleared or almost cleared”. According to their report, inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions responded equally well to treatment. There were no serious effects related to the treatment with this new component. Only some patients of the group in study experienced dryness of skin and lips as non-serious side effects.

Geert Cauwenbergh, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Barrier Therapeutics, Inc. explained that “these positive Phase 2a results indicate that oral Rambazole is active in moderate to severe inflammatory acne, and that depending on the outcome of future, full scale clinical trials, this drug may one day fill the need for safe and effective oral treatments for moderate and severe acne. These results further build on our previously announced promising clinical data for oral Rambazole for psoriasis”.

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Acne: Natural Hot Pepper Face Wash May Cure Acne

Nearly 60 million Americans experience bouts of acne, and more than 20 million of them end up with acne which may cause scarring. There are many remedies for acne and currently a company created another one, the world's first chili pepper based face wash that has guaranteed to wipe out acne within a few short days, and without the burning sensation associated with hot peppers.

A great part of remedies work, however, they take weeks and even months to make any noticeable difference. A lot of these products are also mixed with chemicals; they are expensive and generally require a daily regimen.

Capsaicin, the active element in hot peppers has been shown to be an inportant acne fighter. According to experts, it works through a thermal heat action that helps to open pores and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin. Capsaicin has powerful antimicrobial properties that help distinguish harmful bacteria that's hiding within the layers of skin.

Capsaicin also helps to desensitize sensitive skin by affecting a series of tiny nerves. Capsaicin may also be beneficial for relieving chronic topical pain associated with certain circulatory conditions.

The golden product is called “Capsiderm”. Unlike arthritis creams -designed to relieve chronic muscle and joint pain- this new product is designed specifically to fight acne and tighten wrinkled lines on skin's surface.

There are immediate results within the first day or two of use. According to the company, most acne conditions will disappear completely within the first week – even severe cases.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Acne: Laser, a good therapy for acne without side effects

Laser appears to be a good therapy for acne without side effects. Lasers and light-based systems have become one of the more common modalities to treat a wide variety of skin disorders, including acne vulgaris, during the past ten years.

A lot of patients do not respond adequately or develop side effects with the various oral and topical treatments available for the treatment of acne. Hence, the growing demand by patients who suffered from acne for a faster, safer, and side-effect-free novel therapy.

The Dermatology and Lasers Clinic from Tel Aviv Msq, Caesarea, Israel, studied this concerning situation in order to address the role of light therapy in the armamentarium of treatments for acne vulgaris, to discuss photobiology aspects and biomedical optics, to review current technologies of laser/light-based devices, to review the clinical experience and results, and to outline clinical guidelines and treatment considerations, as they reported.

After a series of clinical trials, results show that 85 per cent of the patients show an important quantitative reduction in at least 50 per cent of their lesions after four biweekly treatments. Approximately 20 per cent of cases demonstrate that acne eradication may reach 90 per cent. Three months after the last treatment, clearance is approximately 70 per cent to 80 per cent. Meanwhile, the non-respondent rate is 15 per cent to 20 per cent.

According to researchers, laser and light-based therapies are a safe and effective modality for the treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris. After comparing to the effects of oral antibiotics, amelioration of acne by light therapy offers faster resolution and fewer side effects and leads to patient satisfaction.

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016

Acne: Light Therapy May Cure Acne

Acne may be cured by a simple light treatment, first developed to iron out wrinkles, as demonstrated a study carried out at a London hospital. The Hammersmith Hospital in West London tested Low Level Laser Therapy normally used in private beauty salons on 30 patients who were suffering mild to moderate acne. In a period of 12 weeks their acne had halved. Meanwhile, those on a dummy treatment showed no improvement. Findings show that those with the most severe symptoms displayed the most astonishing improvement, mostly within the first month of treatment. Under experts conclusions, this is significantly faster than most conventional antibiotic treatments, which can take as long as eight months to work. The study showed that a single five-minute session could have a dramatic effect on acne for up to 12 months. Physicians used a treatment called pulse dye laser therapy in which the affected area is exposed to short bursts of light. The process had been used to combat wrinkles as it is known to stimulate the production of collagen. Tony Chu, the dermatologist who led the trial, explained that “we were brought in to see if the anecdotal evidence worked in a clinical trial and we found out it was very successful. However, we still do not know exactly how it works and that is an area we are now working on.” The expert said that the treatment appears to be showing the same kind of efficacy as antibiotics, but without the potential side effects. “What we need to do now is to see if it works as well on acne around other parts of the body, and work out the treatment which is most clinically effective”, stated.

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016

Acne - Know About Whiteheads And Blackheads For Clear Skin

Every talk about acne includes terms such as whiteheads and black heads. What are they and why are they called so? Let us find out.

Acne develops on the hair follicles that have sebaceous glands attached to them. These glands produce an oil called sebum. Because of certain reasons the sebum changes in quality and quantity giving rise to scales on the hair follicle. This blocks the skin pore causing acne. This blockage is the beginning of acne.

The first stage of this blockage shows as blackheads and whiteheads. These are also called as comedones. A comedone is a sebaceous follicle that is plugged and filled with sebum, dead cells etc. An open comedone is called a blackhead because of its blackish appearance. A blocked comedone is referred as white head, which is a small bump in the skin with skin like color. A whitehead has closed mouth and the blackhead has an open mouth.

What to do if you have blackheads or whiteheads- do not squeeze them yourself. That may leave permanent scars and also infection. Best is to approach a dermatologist who will pick them open if required under sterile conditions. Please note that acne scars can permanently disfigure you.

As far as basic care is concerned, wash your face gently with slightly warm water and mild soap to remove excess sebum and dead skin. Do not be harsh on the skin. Please note that acne takes time to clear. Apply any topical cream that may be prescribed by your dermatologist. Acne treatment requires patience. Many of us hurry to get rid of acne and create further inflammation.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Acne, if Only It Would Go Away

Acne is one of life's little irritants and a major cause for loss of self esteem and self worth for our youth.  Occurring at any age, but commonly in your teenage year's acne is one of the most frustrating skin conditions you can have.

As a teenager I personally battled acne and lost.  I didn't know what caused it and there were myths all over about too much candy and chocolate, too much stress, preservatives in foods, sweating from exercise, etc.  There are probably hundreds of wrong statements about what causes acne and just as many home remedies that don't help to cure acne.

Acne is caused by excessive oils on your skin that clog your pores and eventually will result in an infection, which produces the pimple with its redness and swelling.  A blackhead is simply a pore that has been partially plug by oils or dead skin but still remains open and doesn't have an infection.

The key to controlling your acne is your ability to control the body oils that you have on your face, neck and shoulders. As a teenager your hormones are the cause of some of this excessive oil in you hair.  So it is important to keep your hair clean to help reduce the amount of oil you have around your face and shoulders.

As a teenager, I had very oily hair and had acne on my shoulders, I had sought doctors help and tried many things but what finally got it under control was a shorter haircut and washing my hair at least once a day, in addition to keeping my face clean by washing with mild soap and water.

If you have acne you should try not to pick at and pop your pimples. It can be very difficult not to pick at your acne, but what you are actually doing when you pop a pimple is spreading the infection to other pores in your skin.  You may have noticed that if you do pick at your acne it tends to spread, this is caused by spreading the infection (the white puss like substance) to other pores that may only be partially clogged but now have additional infectious material to completely clog the pore.

Keep in mind acne can also be caused by some medications so if you're taking proper care to control your body oils and it still hasn't worked, you may be taking a medication that is the main cause.  Be sure to consult with your family physician as he can determine the side effects of your medication and adjust if necessary.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Acne - How The Acne Scars Are Treated?

Acne scars leave their mark not only on the skin but also on the sufferers psyche. With rapid developments in dermatology, treating acne scars is becoming easier. Please consult your dermatologist about the best treatment for your acne scars. The choice will depend upon your medical history, the type of scar and the kinds of treatments available for that type of scarring. Some treatments are cheaper than others but may not give perfect results. The choice therefore also depends upon your budget and the kind of results you desire. Let us look at the kinds of treatments available for acne scars.

Dermabrasion- this is considered one of the most effective treatments for acne scars. In this procedure the doctor uses a local anesthetic or freezes the skin and then uses a high-speed rotary abrader to remove unwanted surface skin. As the skin heals, it shows a brighter appearance. This procedure may remove superficial scars altogether and reduces deeper scars.

Chemical Peeling - depending on the scar, your doctor will apply a mild chemical peel on the affected skin. This slowly peels away the old skin and brings in fresh skin. Mild scars can be treated with chemical peels.

Laser Therapy- lasers of different types are used by the doctor to give a new shape to the scarred skin by recontouring the scars. The high burst of laser may leave the skin red for sometime.

Soft Tissue Filling- Collagen that may be bovine in source or patients own may be injected below the scar to lift the skin and give a smooth appearance. As the injected collagen gets absorbed in the body over a period, further treatments may be needed after about six months. Similarly fat may be injected below deep scars for giving a lift to the skin. Similar to collagen filling, fat injections may need to be repeated after some months. Your doctor will advise you about that.

Skin surgery- Skin may have to be surgically corrected with grafting or other procedures to remove some scars.

Microdermabrasion- In this procedure very tiny aluminum oxide crystals are passed through a vacuum tube to scrape the surface of the skin. this procedure may have to be repeated many times, an d gives a fresh look to the skin by scraping .Very mild scarring can be treated with microdermabrasion.

For people who have the tendency to form keloids, no surgical method can be used. If one can develop keloid with acne injury, more keloids will be formed by further surgery. steroid injections may be used to treat keloids. In some cases topical retinoic acid is applied directly on the keloids.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Acne - Getting Rid Of Acne Scars

Whenever body suffers any injury, the body rushes its soldiers to protect itself. Acne infection is also an injury that needs repair and body sends white blood cells and other molecules that fight the infection and repair the infected site. After the repairing job is completed, a scar forms that is the sign of repair. Skin never becomes as smooth as it was before the acne. Some scar is always left. Let us find out more about acne scars and how doctors can repair them so that you get something similar to your earlier look again.

Types Of acne scars- before we discuss about the type of scars, let us also note that everyone has different tendency of scar formation. Some people develop very less scars, while others may have major scars for the same type of acne. Acne scars are of two types- scars that are caused by loss of tissue and scars caused by increased tissue formation.

Depressed Scars- these scars may be of different types such as Ice-pick scars, depressed fibrotic scars, soft scars and macular types. As the cyst expands with pus, bacteria, oil and dead skin cells it ruptures and attacks the dermis. to protect the dermis the white blood cells rush in. This rupture may cause loss of collagen giving rise to deep recess or depression. The skin above is left unsupported because of loss of tissue below it and a saucer shaped or jagged ice pick scar is formed. Ice pick scars are more common on face.

Keloids- In some people the scar forms in a reverse fashion. With the loss of collagen, body triggers fibroblasts that produce excessive collagen producing scar tissues called keloids. Keloids are more commonly found on male torsos. Other type of increased tissue formation scar is called hypertrophic scar. Hypertrophy means overgrowth.

Scar Treatment- scars can be treated by your dermatologist using different treatments. Before proceeding for scar treatment, you have to discuss your feelings about the scars with your doctor. The cost involved may also play a role in choosing the treatment. What results you desire is the third factor. The severity of the scar, the location and type of treatments that can be done are other factors that have to be used to treat acne scars. The common treatments for acne scars are- collagen treatment, laser treatment, dremabrasion, microdermabrasion, skin surgery, skin grafting etc. Keloids may be left untreated if it is felt that treatment will form further keloids. Injecting with steroid injections may also treat keloids.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Acne: FDA Approved Aczone For Acne Treatment

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved to market Aczone (dapsone) Gel, 5 per cent for acne vulgaris topical treatment. But patients who have the enzyme deficiency, G6PD (Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase), will need to be monitored with regular blood counts to detect if they are predisposed to one type of anemia (hemolytic anemia).

Aczone, a trademark of QLT USA Inc., is an aqueous topical gel which contains 5 per cent dapsone. According to scientific research, combining dapsone in a Solvent Microparticulate (SMP) gel enables dapsone to be applied topically and safely. This product achieved significant per cent reduction in the number of acne lesions and better success rate on the Global Acne Assessment Score in two randomized double-blind, vehicle controlled clinical studies in 3000 acne patients.

Oiliness/peeling, dryness, and erythema were the most common adverse events reported from controlled clinical trials. However, there were no significant differences in the adverse event rates between Aczone Gel and vehicle control treated patients.

1.4 per cent of about 3500 patients had the enzyme deficiency -in the Aczone clinical trial program- which is consistent with the incidence in the general North American population.

The company QLT will undertake a post-approval Phase IV study in 50 acne patients who have G6PD deficiency and follow them for 6 months, after which QLT expects to submit an application to the FDA to re-evaluate the Aczone label.

The President and Chief Executive Officer of QLT Inc., Paul Hastings, stated that “Aczone represents an important clinical advance in dermatology, has demonstrated safety and efficacy in over 4,000 patients. We are very pleased with the FDA's decision and confident in Aczone's potential as a new class of treatment for acne patients”.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Acne: Fact And Fiction

Myths about acne die hard. Old wives’ tales about its causes continue to persist, in spite of scientific condition to the contrary. This article aims to shed light on some common myths about acne and attempts to separate fact from fiction.

Myth 1: People who have acne are unclean and maintain poor hygiene

There is absolutely no truth to this statement. Acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the body. When the oil glands responsible for keeping our skin waterproof and moist, over react to produce excessive quantities of sebum, they block the associated hair follicle, causing clogged pores, which develops into acne. So hygiene has absolutely nothing to do with it. In fact unnecessary scrubbing of the skin can exacerbate the problem. Do take care of your skin though - wash your face gently and pat dry.

Myth 2: Eating the wrong foods will lead to acne

The fact is that there is no co-relation between what you eat and acne. The chocolates, the French fries, the cheese pizza, and all those other fatty foods that have been lambasted ever so often, because of their unhealthy consequence have no affect whatsoever on your skin. However, eating a well balanced diet makes sense. So while you don’t have to be concerned as to whether your favorite treat affects your skin (at least directly), do remember that it does affect your overall health.

Myth 3: Acne is caused by stress

The truth is that the stress that most of us experience as part of our day-to-day existence does not lead to acne. Sometimes, acne can arise as the side-effect of drugs taken to treat severe stress. Talk to your doctor to find out if your stress medication is responsible for your acne. Stress can however make an already existing acne condition worse.

Myth 4: Acne is a merely a cosmetic disease

Well, acne does affect the way you look and yes, it is considered a threat to your physical well being. However, the fact remains that in some cases acne can lead to permanent scarring which is more than just purely cosmetic. Acne affects people psychologically. It is known to affect their perception of themselves, their self-esteem and confidence and their interaction with others. It can cause feelings of frustration, depression and social embarrassment.

Myth 5: Acne can not be cured

With the kind of products that are available in the market today, there is no reason why anyone should have to suffer the agony caused by acne. The fact is that acne can be cleared up with the right medication and a regime specific to their needs. Consult your dermatologist if you have acne.

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

Acne - Enjoy Fresh And Healthy Skin

Acne is a skin disorder resulting from the actions of hormones and other substances on skin’s oil glands and hair follicles. These things often lead to plugged pores and outbreak of lesions more commonly known as pimples and zits. Acne lesions basically occur on the face, back, chest, neck and shoulders. Thus acne is a term for plugged pores [blackheads and whiteheads], pimples and even deeper lumps [cysts and nodules] that appear in different parts of the body.

How does acne develop?

Acne is a disease of the pilosebaceous units [PSUs], which consists of sebaceous glands connected to a canal, called a follicle that contains a layer of fine hair. These sebaceous glands produce an oily substance called sebum that normally empties onto the skin through the opening of the follicles. When the walls of this plugged follicle breaks down, it starts spilling everything like sebum, bacteria and shed skin cells, thereby leading to lesions and pimples.

Factors that make acne worse

Although the exact cause of acne is still unknown, but doctors have a strong belief that they result from various factors. One of the main factors include sudden burst of androgens that occur more during puberty. The factors of acne include heredity or genetics. Children usually have a tendency of getting acne from their parents and often get affected due to usage of drugs like androgens and lithium.

However, there are several factors that can make acne worse:

§Changing hormone levels in adolescent girls and adult women
§Excess secretion of oil after using of skin products like moisturizers and cosmetics.
§Pressure from tight collars, tight sports uniform and backpacks
§Environmental irritants like pollution and high humidity
§Hard scrubbing of skin
§Squeezing or picking at blemishes
§Stress and anxiety

Types of acne

People suffering from acne can basically have a variety of lesions that can act as a detriment to the skin.

Following are the types of acne:

§Comedo – an enlarged and plugged hair follicle that mainly produces whiteheads
§Papules – inflamed lesions that usually appear as small pink bumps on the skin that can appear to be tender on touch
§Cysts – deep, painful and usually pus-filled lesions that can cause scarring
§Nodules – large painful solid lesions that are lodged deep within the skin
§Pustules – papules topped with white and yellow pus-filled lesions that are basically red at the base

How to treat acne?

Dermatologists normally treat acne but often you can use some homemade recipes to prevent severe acne. You should wash your face at least thrice a day with cold water and a mild cleanser. Using essential oils like lavender, chamomile, calendula, juniper and mint with almond oil on your skin will give effective results. You should also start adding zinc supplements to your diet and avoid caffeine, junk food and salty foods.

Other than these homemade recipes, you can also take prescribed medicines that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicyclic acid, sulfur, Azelaic acid, vitamin A, and OTC topical medicines to recover fast from acne.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

Acne: Determining what really causes Acne

Having acne can be an agonizing experience for any teenage, especially for adults who never seemed to got out of the phase. Tons of acne medications get sold every year, this is a clear indication that people with acne are determined to get rid of them, at all cost.

Some of these acne medications though simply cover up acne and do not really treat them. Getting rid of acne should be from its roots, their cause.

Acne is the result of abundant amount of toxics in the body. These toxics can be an amassing of fat not properly disposed off, or accumulation of hormones the body produces. When the kidney, liver and the bowels could not dispose all of these toxins, they need to dispel them some other way. The body releases them either through the lungs or through the skin.

This is when a breakout of acne can occur. The toxins released through your skin are the dirt and oil that causes the acne to swell up and get the pores infected.

That is why most dermatologists recommend having the face and neck scrubbed regularly with soap and water to rid of these toxins. With a well-cleansed face, you eliminate the chances for the pores to be infected. Untreated acne can cause ugly scarring in the affected area that could be permanent.

This blemish to the face could be quite hard to remove. Therefore, to prevent acne from happening you need to clean your face regularly as well as cut down on foods that are full of fats and hard to digest foods. Also cleanse your bowels and your waste system so that you won't have a build-up of toxins in your body.

martes, 3 de mayo de 2016

Acne: Common Illness May Be Increased By Usage of Antibiotics for Acne

According to experts based in last researches, the usage of antibiotics for acne may increase common illness or diseases, what it was demonstrated by an experiment in which a group of individuals that was treated with antibiotics for acne for more than six weeks (all of hem were volunteers). After the experiment, this group was more than twice as likely to develop an upper respiratory tract infection within one year as individuals with acne who were not treated with antibiotics.

The overuse of antibiotics, explain experts, will lead to resistant organisms and an increase in infectious illness. There have been, however, few studies about people who have actually been exposed to antibiotics for long periods and there the importance of this one.

According to experts, the ideal people to study consequences of using antibiotics for acne are patients with acne (an inflammatory disease involving the sebaceous glands of the skin; characterized by papules or pustules or comedones) , who use for long-term antibiotic therapy, representing a unique and natural population in which to study the effects of long-term antibiotic use.

A group of experts from the School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, identified individuals diagnosed with acne between the years 1987 and 2002, aged 15 to 35 years, in a medical database in the United Kingdom (UK).

The researchers searched information such as how often individuals were likely to see a physician, and compared the incidence of a common infectious illness, upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), in individuals treated with antibiotics for acne and those whose acne was not treated with these medications.

Experts reported that “within the first year of observation, 15.4 per cent of the patients with acne had at least one URTI, and within that year, the odds of a URTI developing among those receiving antibiotic treatment were 2.15 times greater than among those who were not receiving antibiotic treatment".

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Acne - Basic Things You Need To Know

For those that are dealing with acne, having the necessary knowledge about where it comes from and how to treat it is the first step in solving this very difficult and often scarring condition. It is not easy to find a way to work through acne when you do not know if a product will work how it will work or what is causing the acne on your face. In fact, it is plain old frustrating. Yet, the good news is that you can learn and you can succeed with acne treatments.

What Causes Acne?

The first thing to understand is what is causing your acne. Now, some people are more prone to it than others and this may or may not be linked to family genes and just environmental issues. But, what causes these little infections on your face happens for a very specific reason. Acne is caused by bacteria that are attracted to your face. They are attracted to it because your skin is oily and warm. And, there are dead skin cell to feed on. They get onto your face, into your pores and make themselves at home. Your skin becomes irritated and there comes that frightening pimple.

What Will Make It Go Away?

There are several acne treatment options for you. First, acne control can come from natural acne treatments such as eating a well balanced diet and taking supplements that are geared towards acne treatment. These will include a good assortment of vitamins and minerals that are known to help with acne control.

Next, you can move on to treating the infections in your skin. To do this, your doctor may provide you with antibiotics. Or, there are also natural skin care treatments that can help as well. In either case, the bacteria that are there need to be destroyed. Finally, you can work on exfoliating your skin to remove all those dead cells that the acne is feeding off of.

There are many acne products that can help with these steps. The goal is to understand why it is happening to you then you can gear your acne treatment right at it and see results. Remember, though, it took time for your face to become in this condition and it will take time for the acne to heal fully as well.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016

Acne - Back Breakouts – What’s The Deal With Acne On Your Back?

Back acne comes in all sizes and forms of acne, ranging from mild forms like whiteheads to serious forms of acne including cystic acne. "Bacne" as it is referred to in slang terms, can consist of pimples, pustules and blackheads as well. Back acne affects people ranging from age ten to age forty or older yet. Understanding the causes of back acne and available treatment options, are very important is treating and preventing the condition.

Like all of the other forms of acne, there is no one thing that causes back acne. As far as the medical community stands, back acne also happens when oil glands start functioning more rapidly around puberty. The hormone group androgens, found in both females and males, get overactive which in turn causes a reaction in the oil glands, which make extra oil. The oil glands are located just underneath the skin surface. Oil glands constantly are producing and secreting oil through the pores in the skin. When too much of the oils are produced the pores and hair follicles become clogged. The clogs obstruct the way that dead cells escape the skin, which in turn results in a mess of oil and dead cells plugging the hair follicle. This attracts bacterium, which causes the acne to be formed.

Back acne can be found on any part of the body and does not necessarily have to be on a person's back. It can be very severe with large lesions and painful cysts. Back acne may just be something that certain people are prone to or it could be caused by other things such as tight clothing or a heavy backpack. Not having anything in contact with the back is not a logical prevention step, as we all must sit down and everyone has to wear clothing. It is easier to treat back acne than to try and prevent it because most people suffer from back acne at one time or another.  Skin on the back is much thicker and therefore allows for stronger topical treatments, such as ten percent Benzoyl peroxide. This strength of Benzoyl peroxide is not suitable for other skin that is typically thinner and will not be able to sustain itself under harsh treatment. You can get all the same types of acne, blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules and cysts, on your back just as you can on any other part of your body.

There are some differences in back acne and acne located elsewhere on the body however. Back acne is not caused by genetics as other acnes can be. Some severe cases of back acne may be genetically passed on but most likely it is just the individual's body type or personal genetic make up. People all over the world suffer from back acne at some point in their lives. Unlike other acne, food does not contribute to the formation or flare up of back acne. There is absolutely no evidence that foods cooked in grease, or high in fat content contribute to back acne.

It is also known that excessive oil production and dirt build up does not have a huge impact on developing back acne. Perspiring excessively and not washing or showering immediately has been shown to not increase the chances of developing back acne. Back acne also does not seem to be affected by stress. There are some who think that facial acne is increased due to stress. However stress can cause back acne to not heal. Oftentimes, stress causes people to pick and bother the pimples, which make the condition worse.

Taking some over the counter medicines may treat breakouts of back acne in conditions that are not complex. Some skin specialists or dermatologists should treat severe forms of acne on the back, such as cystic acne. Most of the simpler forms of acne might disappear with daily washing and cleansing routines but as cystic acne goes deep into the skin and can cause permanent scarring, it should be given more serious medical attention than simple pustules or blackheads on the back. Always speak to your healthcare provider about treatment before starting a back acne treatment program never attempt to treat severe acne on your own or with an over the counter product without consulting a professional.

sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Acne - Avoid Comedogenic Products

Acne avoidance needs lot of care. Use of products play a big role in Acne. If you use a product that can cause comedos- whiteheads and blackheads, you are inviting acne. to avoid acne you should use all products that are certified non- comedogenic. Let us find out what is comedogenicity and how to keep skin clear of acne?

Acne And Comedogenicity

Most of the materials that are used for skin and body care are tested for comedogenicity. For that test, the material is applied on the inside of rabbit's ear and the site observed after three weeks. A biopsy is taken and comedones counted. Depending on the comedone formation, the material is classified on a scale of 0 to 5. A material with 0 comedogenic potential will not cause comedones, while one with 5 will cause comedones in the largest quantity.

  Acne- Skin Care Formulations

 Here, please note that a skin care product may contain more than one ingredient. The manufacturer will label the product as comedogenic or non-comedogenic. Please use non-comedogenic product. Appearance of the product may not indicate its comedogenicity. Mineral oil that looks oily has the no.0!

  Acne Care- Select Products Acne care needs use of products after careful consideration. Use non-comedogenic products and if after using a product for sometime you find comedones increasing, stop usage for sometime and see the result. You r own judgment will guide you. Keep your skin free of acne. This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Acne: Asthma Drug Fails to Help Patients with Acne

The asthma drug Zyflo fails to help patients with severe acne, according to a mid-stage trial carried out by the company Critical Therapeutics Inc. The drug, also known as zileuton, was neither better at controlling the number of inflammatory lesions than placebos under the company statistics.

Over the 12-week trial, patients treated with Zyflo had an average reduction of 11.5 inflammatory lesions. That compared with a reduction of 9.1 lesions in a group of other patients taking placebos – far short of achieving statistical significance.

Patients treated with placebo showed a reduction of 16.4 lesions in the placebo group, but patients treated with Zyflo showed a mean reduction in the total number of lesions of 25.3.

The company stated the medicine showed a trend of potential benefit to some patients although the drug failed the primary goal of the trial.

Linda Lennox, the company spokeswoman, told the company will probably conduct a larger trial testing the medicine as an acne treatment, using information gleaned from the small recent "proof of concept" trial.

The company based in Lexington, Massachusetts, said that it is continuing to analyze the data and is working with the investigators to further interpret the results.

Zyflo blocks an inflammation-causing enzyme called 5 lipoxygenase (5-LO). It was approved by U.S. regulators in 1996 for treating asthma patients 12 years of age and older. At the time, the drug was owned by Abbott Laboratories Inc., which sold it for a number of years before licensing it to Critical Therapeutics in late 2003.

jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

Acne (and Rosacea)

There is growing evidence that the major cause of MRSA is the inappropriate over prescribing of antibiotics by general practitioners. This is not news and it is common knowledge that most infections are viral and do not require antibiotics.

Also it is well known that antibiotics upset gut bacteria and lead to overgrowth of the intestinal tract with fungi such as Candida which is present in everyone’s guts, but normally kept in check by the probiotic bacteria surrounding it and which also produce chemicals to keep it in check. Antibiotic use can reduce the probiotic bacteria and allow the fungus to grow which over time can lead to inflammation and misdiagnosis of IBS later in life and open another chapter in prescribing. A downward spiral we don’t want to promote. Candida overgrowth and dysbiotic guts probably affect millions of ‘20 something’s’ who have just had years of antibiotics for acne, or million of 40 something’s who have been put on antibiotics for rosacea. We have clever ways of restoring the normal bacterial balance and reducing Candida without harsh antifungals.

However the use of antibiotics for skin infections such as acne and rosacea often at low doses and often for 3 to 6 months at a time is probably the biggest cause of MRSA (multi resistant Staphylococcus aureus) in hospitals. Let me explain.

It doesn’t matter whether oral or cream antibiotics are used they cause the same problem. In acne if you have many blocked ‘pores’ (pilo sebaceous ducts) then the anaerobic bacteria propiobacterium acnes (p.acnes) can start to colonise the area under the plug and cause inflammation and damage. This bacterium only survives in normal skin at very low levels as it likes to live in an environment where there is little or no oxygen. When you create a blockage as with acne, you create the environment for p.acnes. So antibiotics can help to reduce p.acnes, but they also hit other friendly skin bacteria and herein lies the problem.

Staphylococcus epidermidis (s.epidermidis) lives on our skin and helps keep other nasty bacteria away. It likes an oxygen rich environment. The same antibiotics that reduce p.acnes often hit the s.epidermidis as well. This attack puts selective pressure on the bacteria to survive and within three or four weeks you can isolate resistant strains s.epidermidis on skin being treated with antibiotics.

Now Staphylococcus epidermidis is related to Staphylococcus aureus (s.aureus) (cousins if you like). S. aureus lives inside the body and s.epidermidis lives on the skin. They meet at places such as the nose and other entrances into the body. They can pass information to each other through the use of things called plasmids and it is highly likely information for developing resistance is transferred.

Hey presto we have started the super bug development. The acne sufferer ends up in hospital for an operation. They get a wound infection either from their own bacteria but also through other bugs already there. S.aureus is a typical bacterium that infects wounds. The antibiotics used for wound infections are often the same or similar to the one that has been used for the patient’s acne, and it is not surprising they find the antibiotics don’t work as the bugs are already resistant. This resistant strain becomes the dominant resident s.aureus in the hospital and is extremely difficult to remove and can go on to infect many other patients.

Using a product such as Aknicare which has 4 antibacterial agents which control p.acnes by changing conditions in the area under the plug rather than directly destroying it means you can prevent damage and inflammation without breeding resistant bugs. Aknicare can reduce p.acnes and all the other key causes of an acneic skin (inflammation, oil production, cell turnover) all without breeding resistant bugs.

As a final thought the main treatment for rosacea recommended on PRODIGY, the GP prescribing database recommends ROSEX creams and gels. Rosex contains the antibiotic metronidazole. Rosacea patients often use it for months and years. It works in a few. Metronidazole is also a powerful antioxidant and it is these properties that help with rosacea symptoms, not the antibiotic properties. Rosacea is not caused by bacteria. It is a sobering thought that the antibiotic most used in theatre to prevent infections during and shortly after surgery is metronidazole. Imagine if you had been using it for months or years before that operation.

It is concerning to think the antibiotic you are using today could end up leading to someone dying in hospital in the near future. Change prescribing habits for acne and rosacea now and have an impact on MRSA in hospitals.

Use Aknicare, a new medical device with a CE mark . Once in the drug tariff this should be prescribed by GPs. PCTs should act now

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Acne: An Adult Dilemma as Well

Acne is often regarded as a major teenager's problem. Although there are several adults who also suffers from what we call “adult acne”. Adults in their twenties and beyond can still experience acne, and the negative effects of stress adds to the strain of having it pop up in their face.

Studies show that mental stress can be a major cause in developing acne for adults. Moreover, women are likely to suffer from it because they are more exposed to stress which they acquire throughout their daily lifestyle. They are also prone to hormonal imbalances, especially at times when they have their monthly menstruation and during pregnancy.

The environment is another factor in developing adult acne. If your surroundings are always dirty, most likely all the dust will be carried through the wind and eventually land on your face. If left unwashed, these dust and dirt can clog up your pores and infect them making the pore inflamed.

Just like teen acne, the best treatment that you can avail of is maintaining proper skin care and a healthy personal hygiene. Take a bath everyday, and use mild soap only so that your acne wont further develop into an infection.

Also watch out for your diet. Drink enough water and exclude from your meal some oily foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Take enough sleep and rest. It will relax your skin pores and eventually prevent acne from developing.

The lifestyle of an adult is an important factor in the appearance of adult acne as well. Avoid drinking liquor, alcohol-based beverages and smoking. It will just make your face riddled with acne.

You can also take some acne medications like skin care products and skin treatments. Just see your dermatologist so that he/she can determine which treatment would be right for you.

martes, 26 de abril de 2016

Acne: A Basic Understanding

Statistics indicate that as high as 80% of the entire American population has ever had acne. Acne afflicts all genders, sexes and ages making it a universal skin disorder. As a form of skin disease, the good news is that acne is not transmittable.

Although acne is not contagious from person-to-person, it can spread to the whole face and can severely affect all the skin tissues that have pilosebaceous units. It is not true that acne just affects those going through puberty. Even infants or individuals who may be well over their forties, can develop this skin disorder. Acne infantilis is the term used for acne that grows on newborn babies, on the other hand acne rosacea is related to middle-aged people.

Acne has different classifications, according to the severity of the infection.

Comedo is the form where all severe acne cases originate. This is characterized by red swelling or small lesions on your skin. Whiteheads and blackheads are two forms of comedo. Conversely, blackhead is an open comedo. The coloration is due to the accumulation of dark skin pigments called melanin, plus hardened sebum and other skin debris and particles. This is the basic structure of whiteheads, however, the only difference is the coloration and these are deeply situated into the skin layers.

If you have sandpaper-like skin around the tissue of your mouth and on the surface of your forehead, chin and cheeks, you probably have papules. Pus-filled lesions are also termed as pustules.

Nodules on the other hand are similar with pustules. However, nodules are firmer and are larger acne growing deep in the skin. Inflammation may develop your pustules into containing semi-liquid or liquid materials composed of white blood cells (which are dead because of the acne-infecting bacteria named as Propionibacterium acnes), dead skin cells and active or inactive bacteria. This can result into more serious acne called cysts. In such situations, you may need the assistance of a skin dermatologist or physician.

What is the cause of acne? It is quite difficult to exactly determine what may have caused your acne infection as reasons differ case to case. Studies indicate that the skin disorder may be brought about by many factors, including poor diet, stress, weather elements, and hormone changes or may be genetically influenced.

Medically speaking, acne starts from the formation of hardened sebum, or the oily substance secreted to the skin through the sebaceous glands. This then will be permeated with acne-infecting bacteria, which in return will trigger the immune system to release white blood cells to obstruct the attack of the bacteria. As this happens, dead white blood cells and bacteria will accumulate in the hair follicles mixed with skin debris and dead skin particles, which then will inflame the lesions.

Most mild case acne may be treated with over the counter acne medications. They are generally topical drugs, which you apply on your skin for acne treatment. They may come in the form of soaps, lotions, gels and creams. Conversely, systematic acne medications are taken orally. The most common of which are the antibiotics.

Knowing that you are not the only one inflicted with acne at some point in life or another helps in that there will always be new research and new products coming on stream. Continue to read up on acne research and help your fight against it.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Acne: 10 Most Common Myths

What we think we know about acne is steadily being replaced by what scientists are learning. Meanwhile, many myths continue to circulate and endure. Clearing up some of the misunderstandings about acne is what this article is about.

Myth #1: Acne only affects appearance
Acne can also cause deep psychological distress. Severe acne can lead to low self-image and feeling depressed. There is a strong link between severe acne and social withdrawal.

Myth #2: Acne is caused by poor hygiene
While skin infections are associated with acne, lack of cleanliness is not the reason for acne outbreaks. The combination of oil and dead cells which produce acne is located beneath the skin's surface where it is impossible to clean it away. Gentle cleansing with soap and water once or twice daily will keep your skin as healthy as possible. Scrubing too hard may worsen acne.

Myth #3: Acne is caused by specific foods
Chocolate has long had a reputation as a pimple producer. Studies have shown no scientific evidence that this is true. The same holds true for potato chips and sugar. There are some foods that do seem to aggravate (not cause) the condition: milk and foods high in iodine, such as seafood.

Myth #4: Acne has to run its course
There are many acne treatments available both over-the-counter and stronger medicines from a dermatologist.

Myth #5: The more acne medicine the better
Some people believe that if their acne gets worse they should just use more medicine. That's a bad idea because medicines can be dangerous when taken in large quantities. Excess use of acne ointments may just irritate the skin further.

Myth #6: Sunbathing is good for acne
Exposure to the sun dries out excess oils, so it does improve acne short-term. However, long-term the skin adapts and the acne is unfazed. Worse, there is scientific evidence that sun exposure damages the skin and increases the chance of skin cancer.

Myth #7: Makeup causes acne
Some makeup products can clog the pores, which is bad for the health of your skin. Cosmetics that are labeled "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic" are safe to use. Some brands are made with ingredients that actually treat acne.

Myth #8: Acne is only a teenage condition
While most teens have acne, so do many adults. Acne generally clears up by the early 20s. But some people experience acne for the first time as late as their 40s. And for the most unfortunate of all, some people endure acne flare-ups their entire lives.

Myth #9: Acne is related to sex
We've probably all heard that either celibacy or too much sex causes pimples. There is no evidence for this. There is a link between sexual activity and hormone production, but the relationship between sex and the production of sebum (the oily substance which combines with dead skin cells to cause acne) is not known. Stress and anger also affect hormone levels.

Myth #10: Popping pimples is the best way to get rid of them
The fact is popping pimples may worsen acne by spreading the bacteria that is causing it. Popping can also lead to eventual scarring, which in severe cases, can be permanent.

domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Acne – Types, Causes And Treatments

Acne Vulgaris, commonly referred to as pimples, is an inflammatory disease of the skin. This condition is very common in puberty. As one reaches their early twenties, it either disappears or decreases. Acne begins because of the comedo, an enlarged hair follicle plugged with oil and bacteria. The comedo is invisible to the naked eye and is present beneath the surface of the skin. When it gets the right condition, it grows into an inflamed lesion. The oil produced from the skin helps bacteria to flourish within the swollen follicle.

Non-inflammatory acre are of two types – Closed comedo or white head, and Open comedo or black head. There are 4 types of inflammatory acne –

· Papule – It is the mildest form that appears on the skin as a small, firm pink bump.

· Pustule – They are small round lesions containing visible pus. They may appear red at the base and yellowish or whitish at the center.

· Nodule or Cyst – Large and painful, they are pus-filled lesions lodged deep within the skin. The nodules may persist for weeks or months with the contents hardening into a deep cyst. Both nodules and cysts often leave deep scars.

· Acne Conglobata – This severe bacterial infection develops mostly on the back, buttocks and chest.

The chief causes of acne are hormones like androgen, production of extra sebum, follicle fallout, bacteria and inflammation. For controlling acne, you can carry out the following steps –

· Avoid excessive washing of your skin. It can leave the healthy skin dry, thus irritating the acne prone areas. Over-washing may also stimulate extra oil production.

· Avoid alcohol products to tone your skin. Alcohol is a strong astringent that strips the top layer of the skin causing sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

· Do not squeeze or pick the acne with fingernails, pins or any other thing. It forces the bacteria deeper into the skin and often leaves a permanent acne scar.

· A wash is required after exercise. The heat and moisture trapped against the skin creates an ideal breeding ground for the spread of bacteria.

· Consume food rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B-2, Vitamin B-3, Vitamin E and Zinc like eggs, nuts, liver, milk, fish and leafy green vegetables.

· Proper sleep and a life without stress and emotional anxiety can reduce acne.

· Wear little make-up while exercising. Avoid garments that are made exclusively with nylon.

Laser surgery is often used to reduce the scars left behind by acne. Treating acne with azelaic acid, salicylic acid, tropical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide is also common. A large number of people started trying herbal acne treatments over the traditional medications by using teas, oils and herbal creams.